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For all young people, regardless of barriers, to achieve their potential, enjoy positive life chances and make a positive contribution to their community.



Keys Co-operative Academy Trust is an educational charity formed by a cooperative of specialist schools with a common legal and moral purpose.  In our schools, this means working together cooperatively to provide an appropriate, broad and balanced curriculum suitable to the varying needs of our young people and achieving our vision of enabling young people, regardless of their barriers, to achieve their full potential, enjoy positive life chances and make a positive contribution to their community.


Our family of schools consists of two large Alternative Provision schools and a Special School for pupils with moderate learning difficulties.  Our mission is for each of our academies to be outstanding providers of education, helping young people to succeed in their lives through learning and personal development.  


As a co-operative we support one another by working closely together and sharing our expertise in curriculum, assessment, behaviour and SEND which creates fantastic opportunities for our young people. We are committed to continuing improvement through developing each of our schools as learning communities. We offer structured career pathways for our staff, supported by high-quality professional development so our teachers, leaders and support teams have opportunities to learn together and access bespoke individual programmes.


The support provided by our professional central team, who focus on all aspects of school business matters, enables our teachers and leaders to spend more of their time focused on the one thing that counts the most – the education of children.


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Mrs Sherborne, CEO

Keys Co-operative Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales.

Company Number: 10831275

Registered office
Mid Essex Co-Operative Academy,
The Street,
01376 425955

Central Team Office

Church Street,

Witham, Essex,


Tel: 01376 425955

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